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2019 Recap: the 21-Day Plant-Forward Challenge

(Images courtesy of NU Dining)

As 2020 and #veganuary draw near, it is time to look back on one of NU’s biggest food events of 2019 -- the second annual 21-Day Plant Forward Challenge. As a part of the VEG Revolution, NU Dining launched the challenge to promote the plant-based diet among the student body, raising awareness on its health and environmental benefits.

From the 4th to the 24th of November, students frequenting the dining halls were invited to sign onto the pledge, committing to one, two or three “plant-forward” meals per day. Flyers and banners promoting the challenge were placed across the halls, and signature forms were provided at the swipe-in counters. Students who joined the program were also given the chance to win a gift certificate to Evanston’s very own plant-based restaurant, Blind Faith Cafe! With over 300 signatures, the campaign proved to be a great success.

To celebrate its finale on the 24th of November, our friends at NU Dining set up massive tabling at Sargent Dining Commons, distributing plant-based thanksgiving recipes, veggie themed tattoos and SustainNU water bottles. For the entire afternoon, the dining hall was filled with green and white balloons! Additionally, students were invited to fill out feedback forms for the campaign. The chefs also created an astounding array of plant-based desserts during lunch hours that day, ranging from fluffy red velvet cupcakes to chewy chocolate chip cookies, replacing the usual non-vegan counterparts. Students were thus prompted to try out vegan desserts, which are usually exclusive to the Rooted section.

From lowering carbon emissions to reducing water footprint, plant-forward eating has many benefits towards the environment, and is a crucial step towards food sustainability. We hope campaigns like this can continue to raise students’ acceptance and awareness towards plant-forward foods, and we look forward to a green and fruitful 2020!

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Real Food at NU

Northwestern University

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