Compost Survey Results!
Infographic created on Canva by Amos Pomp. Facebook post here.
Infographic created by Shay Lebovitz. Facebook post TBA.
Dining Halls Any compostable waste left on plates in the dining halls goes into back-facing compost bins and sent to an industrial compost site! Don’t throw your food away! Better yet, only take what you can eat and eat what you take!
Norris Everything in Norris (except plastic utensils and some Dunkin’ and Norbucks materials) is compostable, but there is nowhere to compost it!
Evanston/Off-campus options Sign up to have your compost picked up from your house or apartment! $20/month for two collections, compost bin included! Learn what you can compost!…/ NU Hillel can take compost! Or, bring your compost to the dining hall.